About me

Nicolas MICHEL (also known as Milkorva) is a French visual artist based in Paris. Holding a master's degree in Contemporary Art from Sorbonne (Paris), he has specialized in creating generative and immersive installations for several years. Influenced by the work of Philippe Parreno, whom he assisted for six years, his artistic approach primarily focuses on the potential of new technologies as a medium of creation, exploring their capacity to free art from its fixed and time-bound nature.


His installations have recently been exhibited at the Boston Museum of Sciences, Intervals Festival in Nizhny Nov. , Sonar in Istanbul, and Light Night in Leeds. In collaboration with his long-time friend Valentin Fayaud, he has also produced audiovisual performances (A/V) presented across Europe at events dedicated to digital art such as the Patchlab Festival in Krakow, Nuits Sonores in Lyon, Fotonica in Rome, and the Planétarium at the Cité des Sciences in Paris.


Constantly exploring the connection between the abstract and the figurative and always in search of computerized synesthesia, the artist redefines the role of technology at the core of the production process. The computer dialogue becomes a creative generator that transcends the initial concept. Milkorva's work is not confined by time or exhibition space. Its continuous evolution offers the viewer the opportunity to engage in a distinctive, personal, and renewable experience.

Represented by 36 Degrés

Exhibitions // Installations

_/ Sónar +D, Istanbul (TURKEY) : Tidal Echoes
_/ Miami Art Basel, Paramount Worldcenter : Sea Of Gold
_/ Inota Festival, Inotai (HUNGARY) : Tidal Echoes
_/ Taipei Lumitree (TAIWAN) : Digital Nature Dreams
_/ House Of Digital Art, Port Louis (MAURITIUS): Waterfall Whispers
_/ Uart Media Festival, Kyiv (UKRAINE) : Wuthering Summits
_/ Metahaus Gallery, Paris (FRANCE) : Sea Of Gold
_/ Chromosphere Festival (EUROPE) : Tidal Echoes (full dome)
_/ The City of Light, (RUSSIA) : Wuthering Summits
_/ “The Code” Kanvas / Project 22, Dubai (UAE) : Wuthering Summits
_/ Nuits Sonores, Lyon (FRANCE) : Symbiosis (The Absolut Company Creation)
_/ Gaîté Lyrique, Paris (FRANCE) : Symbiosis (The Absolut Company Creation)
_/ Intervals festival, Nizhny Novgorod (RUSSIA) : Tidal Echoes
_/ Nur Festival, Kazan (RUSSIA) : Wuthering Summits
_/ Athens Digital Arts Festival, Athens (GREECE) : Tidal Echoes
_/ Moldovan Brands Runway, Chișinău (MOLDOVA) : Tidal Echoes
_/ Cube, Garges (Residency with CNRS) (FRANCE) : Exposomes Singuliers
_/ Deeep Art Fair // Gallery Strouk, Paris (FRANCE) : Tidal Echoes
_/ Space 2R2, Seoul (KOREA) : Digital Nature Dreams
_/ Manifest:IO, Alte Munze, Berlin (GERMANY) : Is this not real ? (A/V Performance with Jun Suzuki)
_/ Boston Museum of Sciences (Wavesforms) (USA) : Fusion Flow
_/ Nuit Blanche, Paris (FRANCE) : VIDEOCLUB  / multiples artworks
_/ Light Night Leeds, Leeds (UK) : Liquid Fire
_/ Biennale Némo, Paris (FRANCE) : Panorama (A/V Performance)
_/ KINOMURAL, Wroclaw (Poland) : Fusion FLOW
_/ NFT NYC Tezos, New-York (USA) : Artificial landscape's Flows
_/ Metahaus Gallery, Paris (FRANCE) : Tidal Echoes
_/ EP7, Paris (FRANCE) : Solo Exhibition "TSCN_TAKEOVER.EP7"
_/ New Media Art X Neo Shibuya TV, Tokyo (JAPAN) : Percussive Displacement
_/ PSYCH.E, 36 Degrés & Galerie Charlot, Paris (FRANCE) : Fusion Flow
_/ Au delà des Pixels, Paris (FRANCE) : Liquide Fire / Percussive Displacement / SLTTAS
_/ BLOCKCHAIN & NFT Week, Paris (FRANCE): Fusion Flow
_/ Maison Yoko, Lyon (FRANCE): Un Fragment de Supernova / Water

(A/V) Visual Performances 

_/ Planétarium de la Cité des Sciences, Paris (FRANCE)
_/ Patchlab Festival ed. 2022 (Krakow, POLAND)
_/ Dave Festival (Dresden GERMANY)
_/ Fotonica Festival (Roma, ITALY)
_/ B-Seite Festival (Mannheim GERMANY)
_/ Spektrum (Berlin - GERMANY)
_/ LPM FESTIVAL 2019 (Rome - ITALY)
_/ DEPO (Plzeň - CZ)

(non-exhaustive list)

_/ Biennale Nemo (Paris, FRANCE)
_/ Trabendo (Paris - FRANCE)
_/ L'Arche Villerupt
_/ Le Point Ephémère (Paris - FRANCE)
_/ CAC 2016 (Grenoble - FRANCE)
_/ Fêtes des Lumières 2017 (Lyon - FRANCE)
_/ Power Lunches (Londres - UK)
_/ Culture au Quai (Paris - FRANCE)

error: Content is protected ! If you want some images, send me a mail at milkorva@gmail.com